Research Papers

Publications based on our research

(funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice)

new Olson CK. Are electronic games health hazards or health promoters? In: Kowert R, Quandt T, eds.
The Video Game Debate: Unraveling the Physical, Social and Psychological Effects of Digital Games. New York: Routledge; 2016

Olson, C.K. Using sports videogames to  promote real-world physical activity among adolescents. In Consalvo, M., Mitgutsch, K. & Stein, A., eds. Sports Videogames. New York: Routledge, 2013.

Ferguson, C.J., Olson, C.K. Video game use among “vulnerable” populations: The impact of violent games on delinquency and bullying among children with clinically elevated depression or attention deficit symptoms. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2014. [Press release]

Ferguson, C.J. & Olson, C.K. Friends, fun, frustration and fantasy: Child motivations for video game play. Motivation and Emotion, 2013.

Olson, C.K. Children’s motivations for video game play in the context of normal development. Review of General Psychology, June 2010.

Ferguson, C.J., Olson, C.K., Kutner, L.A., & Warner, D.E. Violent video games, catharsis seeking, bullying and delinquency: A multivariate analysis of effects. Crime & Delinquency (published online March 2010)

Olson, C.K., Kutner, L.A., Baer, L., Beresin, E.V., Warner, D.E., & Nicholi, A.M. Jr.  M-rated video games and aggressive or problem behavior among young adolescents. Applied Developmental Science, 2009, 13(4), pages 188-198.

Olson, C.K. The electronic friend? Video games and children’s friendships. SITAR newsletter, October 2008. (Free full text available; starts on page 2.)

Olson, C.K., Kutner, L.A., & Beresin, E.V. Children and video games: How much do we know? Psychiatric Times, October 2007. (Free full text.)

Olson, C.K., Kutner, L.A., Warner, D.E., Almerigi, J.B., Baer, L., Nicholi, A.M. Jr., & Beresin, E.V.

Factors correlated with violent video game use by adolescent boys and girls. Journal of Adolescent Health, July 2007, pages 77-83.

Olson, C.K., Kutner, L.A., & Warner, D.E. The role of violent video game content in adolescent development: Boys’ perspectives. Journal of Adolescent Research, January 2008, pages 55-75.

Kutner, L.A., Olson, C.K., Warner, D.E., & Hertzog, S.M. Parents’ and son’s perspectives on video game play: A qualitative study. Journal of Adolescent Research, January 2008, pages 76-96.

Villani, V.S., Olson, C.K., & Jellinek, M.S. Media literacy for clinicians and parents. Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, July 2005, pages 523-553.

Olson, C.K. Media violence research and youth violence data: Why do they conflict? Academic Psychiatry, Summer 2004, pages 144-150.

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Download our 2006 final report to the OJJDP  ■  Download a copy of the survey we used in our research

Download Grand Theft Childhood Chapter 3: Science, Nonsense & Common Sense

Download 2013 book chapter on the potential of sports videogames to improve youth health and wellbeing